man holding fall lawn seed

Fall Lawn and Garden Tips: Winter Prep & Leaf Cleanup

Written by: Roger Stephan




Time to read 3 min

A well-prepped yard in fall means a thriving garden in spring. Take the time now to care for your lawn and garden, and you’ll enjoy the rewards next year.

As the leaves start falling and the air turns crisp, it’s time to get your yard in cottage country ready for winter. 

We’ve been busy prepping our own lawn and garden here at the lake, and we’d love to share these fall lawn and garden tips that have worked for us. 

With a few simple steps, you can ensure your yard bounces back beautifully in the spring. 

Plus, we’ll highlight some of our favourite tools from Bobcaygeon Home Hardware to make your fall lawn and garden care easier!

Fall Lawn Care: Preparing for a Healthy Spring

As the seasons shift, it’s important to give your lawn the extra care it needs to survive the winter and thrive in the spring.

By taking a few simple steps to winterize your lawn, you can help strengthen your grass and ensure it bounces back beautifully in the spring.

  • Apply Fall Fertilizer : Choose a phosphate-free fertilizer intended for this time of year like Scotts Turf Builder to strengthen roots and improve winter hardiness of your grass.
  • Mulch Leaves : Instead of raking, consider mulching your leaves using your mower to enrich the soil.

  • Keep Grass at Optimal Height : Don’t cut the lawn too short—leave about half an inch of grass showing through mulched leaves to encourage healthy soil microbes.
  • Along with fertilizing and mulching, fall is the time to tackle lawn pests. We recommend using Scotts Grub B Gon to target grubs that can damage your lawn. Applying it now ensures healthier grass roots and less pest damage come spring.

Garden Prep for Fall: Winterizing Your Beds and Plants

As the weather cools, it’s time to prepare your garden for winter. 

Here are some essential tips:

  • Plant Bulbs : Fall is the perfect time to plant tulips and daffodils for a vibrant spring.
  • Plant Garlic : Garlic loves to be planted in the fall—get ready for a fresh harvest next season!
woman planting bulbs in fall

Fall Leaf Cleanup: Make the Job Easier This Fall

Fall leaves are beautiful, but they can be a challenge to manage. Here’s how to tackle them efficiently:

  • Rake Periodically : Fall leaf cleanup can be a very cumbersome job if you leave it to the end of the season. So don’t wait for all the leaves to fall—raking leaves periodically makes the job more manageable. A great tool for this is Home Hardware’s Ergonomic Leaf Rake.

  • Mulch Instead of Bagging : Mulching your fall leaves with your lawnmower enriches your soil. If you prefer to bag them, a Leaf Bag Holder will make the yard cleanup job easier.
  • Pick the Right Day : Choose a dry, calm day for raking to make the task smoother.
  • Use a Tarp : For larger jobs, rake leaves onto a tarp for quick transport.
lawn mower mulching fall leaves

FAQs: Common Questions We Get About Fall Lawn and Garden Tips

Our customers ask us these questions all the time, so we thought it would be helpful to share the answers along with our tips.

When should I stop mowing my lawn in the fall?
Keep mowing until the grass stops growing, usually after the first frost. For optimal health, keep your lawn around 2 to 3 inches tall to protect it during the winter.

What’s the best fertilizer to use in the fall, and why?
We recommend a phosphate-free, slow-release fertilizer like Scotts Turf Builder . It strengthens roots for winter survival, promotes early spring growth, and is environmentally friendly, reducing waterway pollution.

daffodil bulbs

How do I know when to plant bulbs for spring?
Plant bulbs such as tulips and daffodils after the first frost, when the soil is cool but before the ground freezes. This timing allows bulbs to establish roots before winter for a vibrant spring bloom.

How do I know if my plant or shrub needs pruning, and are there any I shouldn’t prune?
As a rule, prune flowering shrubs after they’ve finished blooming. Avoid pruning spring-flowering shrubs like lilacs, rhododendrons, and forsythias in the fall, as they bloom on old wood. Evergreens and hydrangeas that bloom on old wood should also be left alone. However, prune summer-flowering shrubs (like spirea and butterfly bush), roses, raspberry canes, and fruit trees in the fall for healthier growth next season. A great tool for pruning is Fiskars Bypass Pruners for clean, precise cuts.

Get Ready for Winter with Bobcaygeon Home Hardware

By following these fall lawn, garden, and leaf cleanup tips, you'll ensure a healthy and vibrant yard next spring. Whether you need fall fertilizer, ergonomic rakes, or sturdy garden pruners, we’ve got you covered when it comes to winterizing your yard. Visit Bobcaygeon Home Hardware for all your seasonal lawn and garden essentials, and let’s prepare your lawn and gardens for the colder months ahead!

Sincerely, Roger and Rose

man and woman sitting by the lake