Fall Lawn Maintenance

Fall Lawn Maintenance

Written by: Roger Stephan




Time to read 2 min

I love having a thick, healthy, green lawn and spend a lot of time tending to it in the Spring and Summer. I’ve learned over the years that just because Fall is here doesn’t mean it’s time to slack off. 

In fact, from now until mid-October is the ideal time to fertilize our lawns to help strengthen the roots and improve winter hardiness.

We sell Scotts Turf Builder Fall Lawn Food at the Bobcaygeon Home Hardware and I want to tell you why I use it and what makes it important this time of the year:


First, here’s what you should know about it:
- It’s phosphate-free;
- It’s suitable for all grass types;
- It can be used on an established lawn as well as newly seeded and sodded areas;
- Its purpose is to help strengthen the roots and prepare the lawn for the harshness of winter;
- It covers approximately 4306 sq ft per 5.2 kg bag

I can attest that Fall fertilizer makes a difference. I’ve been using it for the past several years and my lawn is noticeably stronger and lusher in the Spring! And after doing a bit of online research, including a study from Michigan University about fall fertilizing, I’ve come to realize that those dreaded leaves falling on my precious lawn can actually be used to enrich my soil and boost the effectiveness of my Fall fertilizer.

Instead of raking up all your leaves this year try mulching them with your lawnmower. Did you know that a thin layer of mulched leaves on your lawn allows microbes and worms to recycle the carbon in those leaves? Your grass loves that! And, when you add the nitrogen from Scotts Fall fertilizer to the thin layer of mulch, it encourages those microbes to work even harder, breaking down those leaves. Your life is made easier because by Spring those mulched leaves will be gone and your lawn will be richer and healthier.

Tips For Mulching Leaves & Applying Fall Fertilizer

  1. Before you mulch the leaves with your mower and spread your fertilizer be sure not to cut your lawn too short! It needs some length to survive our long, harsh winter weather and for this process to work best.

  2. When mowing your leaf clutter, aim to get it down to dime-size pieces;

  3. You ideally want half-an-inch of grass showing through the mulched leaves. If you think your leaf clutter, once mulched, will be more than this, then rake and bag some of those leaves first, then mow the remaining leaves into mulch.

  4. Any kind of leaves work and any kind of rotary-action mower will work!

I hope you find this information and my tips helpful! Come visit us at the store and ask us about how to look after your lawn. 

Sincerely, Roger and Rose